Faded Line - Ours Is The Fury

I don't have to tell you things are bad
Everybody knows things are bad
It's a depression!

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy
So we don't go out anymore
We sit in the house and slowly the world is getting smaller
And all we say is please
At least leave us alone in our living room
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted radios
And I won't say anything, just leave us alone
Well I'm not gonna leave you alone
I want you to get mad!

All I know is that first you've got to get mad!
You've got to say " I'm a human being God dammit!
My life has value! "

I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this any more!

[The Network]

We are seeing how very important it is
To bring about in the human mind a radical revolution
A crisis that cannot any more accept the old law

And considering what the world is now
With all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality
Though man is still brutal, violent
Aggressive, acquisitive, competitive
And he has build a society along this line

[Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution]

We can say without a doubt that this system is
An absolute failure
The problem is the system we've created. It is the empire
And we need to dig it out, get rid of it
And implement a better system

[John Perkins - On Globalization]